{Friday, Sept. 05, 2008}
CCA: committees.

Dear Diary, and readers,

I was going to send an email but then I forgot what I was I was supposed to email. Yup, I'm a bit of an amnesiac now.

Yesterday during the break when I blogged, before I blogged, I was on MSN and found out Serene was in the same study area I was at but a different table, so I went over and joined her. Today I went for lunch with her and sx at the bizad canteen. I ate the western food there cos I heard it was good. But looking at the range of food available and how ulu the place is, which is far from engin, I probably won't go back there again, and sad to say, that place wasn't the canteen i visited 4 years ago. I have concluded that it was the former arts canteen, now renovated? I met Esther, shuxin and yan shan along the way and found out they have break around that time too. They went to science canteen cos there's a bazaar and they wanted to eat the yoghurt ("ice-cream"). So now I'm slacking waiting for time to pass by and damaging my eyes by loking at a tiny screen near my face for too long a time. I better revise my C programming notes cos next tutorial, which by the way is already up, will need something from those notes and I'm not familiar with that bit. I maybe should bring my old glasses along. It's not easy to see the words I'm typing without glasses on. myopia. I don't like it and I think my eyesight's getting worse again.

Today's revelation was finding the female toilet near my tutorial room. I hadn't been able to find it and JM showed me where it was. I coincidentally met her outside tutorial room area where yan shan was waiting for esther and shuxin.

Today's also my first physics lesson, which is held once every 2 weeks, and because some people went to bid for it on CORS for they didn't know it's already pre-allocated, quite a number of people dropped out from the 2 subgroups of each tutorial group, so the 2 groups are going to combine, which means physics homework is due next week. gotta work at it.

More importantly is yesterday's revelation. Things are going to take a turn from here. CCA is going to start, and finally my questions are answered. I am in CAC+US 2009 managment comm, as well as fencing exco. *insert expression* (*!!!*). Last night was fencing AGM and I ran for exco since I submitted the form before I knew cactus2009 results, which I just found out yesterday, and I didn't think of withdrawing my application, so just went with the flow. The first 2 posts I ran for I lost in the voting, the 3rd post someone had put as first choice and no competition, and for my new post, publicity officer, no one ran for it, so WL picked 2 of us to fill it cos the other has experience in marketing for some comm and I was "enthusiastic in serving the club". So there. I'm stunned. Fortunately, I'm not head of Programming for cactus2009, which i feel like shortening to "cactus" for my convenience, and that it flows out of my mouth and thoughts better. But nevertheless, since I have given my word, cactus comes first and if they call me and need me, especially as the event date approaches nearer and nearer, I will give them more of my time, priority and urgency. But if cactus does not call for anything, then it's fencing. Next week should be the first meetings for both comms. This is so new cos, like *pause*, I've never been in a committee before. In primary school until JC, I've never been found to be leadership material. never picked to be prefect (pri sch), never elected to be prefect (sec sch), didn't get into student council nor photog exco nor cheerleading (JC) though later I was awarded committee member position for all my effort. (i wasn't given the post of first-aid cos I had sustained an injury, if I haven't told u before.) So it's gonna be more late nights from me.

That's a reason why I wanna drive, so I can drive myself home after CCA. Don't have to try to get onto the crowded bus and travel a long way home (since I don't stay in hall). But I was thinking. 1) would mum let me drive alone? 2) would mum entrust me with her car? 3) isn't she or daddy afraid I would get accident? I wanna get my license. I so don't want to fail my driving test. I gotta pass!

Just now I ordered 4 tickets to Mamma Mia! the movie. $4 per ticket, instead of $10 for a friday night. I also ordered a big popcorn and big drink combo set to share for $5. Such a deal.

off to revise my computing. I can't nap cos no one to jaga my stuff. The NUS circular email notified us of laptops stolen while they were left alone when ppl went to buy food or go toilet, and even worse, a case of outrage of modesty held at 1.30pm (AFTERNOON!) on an internal shuttle bus (of all places!). Must be safe. Keep safe friends!

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