{Saturday, Apr. 14, 2012}
Official Last Day of University (Life) 13th April 2012, Friday

My last lesson was on Thursday though, HR2002. I missed CE3165 guest lecture on Wednesday because worked too late the night before that when it was time to wake up, I was too tired and decided to pon lecture. Still went to uni later though because of LAJ2201 oral exam.

Today went to uni only for friday lunch with my CE kaki Seng Yen, Chris, Winnie and Ei Hong. It is our last lunch together in uni, officially, unless we meet again next week during reading week. I will miss them when we move on.

Photo-taking for the CVE Year 4s was after that. I didn�t get to do cam-whoring after that though � everyone disappeared quite quickly, and a group of us who volunteered to organise grad night had a standing meeting with Kean, who can be declared officially the class rep. It turns out that the grad night would likely be on the night Michelle and I fly out (different trips), so I can�t go, and I can�t join the band they are forming :( I wanna form a real band one day. I think just attending grad night would be fun too. And it�s a bit weird feeling, to help organise an event that you know you won�t be attending.

I felt a little sad for myself for a while, but it�s gradually decreasing after I put it in God�s hands. He will decide what will happen; He has a plan for me. I can�t have everything I want in life. That night I would be flying off for another adventure � how can I ignore that that is a good thing!

i'm feeling...
The current mood of animalz at www.imood.com

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adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

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