{Friday, Feb. 15, 2008}
Day 2 of Year of the Rat 2008

Dear Diary,

let me first say, before I go into describing CNY day 2 and possibly 3, a few things.

1.)My workday involves me staring at the computer screen for so long. I spend so much time on the computer that I don't want to go online at home, though there are people I would like to meet on MSN who would only come online at night, and it's the computer at home is the best way to compress and upload my photos cos the software for my picture editting is at home. haizz. But when I stare at computer for so long, I run out of things to do. And ya, I like to listen to music but only can do it before work cos the computer is meant to be silent, and wearing earphones in my head can get painful after a while.

2.)The lack of viable options for good food and comfortable easy access for lunch at my workplace is annoying. I just went over to a nearby school canteen which we are allowed to go to for lunch. food cheap, but not good. and the place is filled with teenage boys though it's a mixed school. I used to walk 15 mins one way to the hawker centre to buy back food. The kopitiam opposite my workplace is expensive, and not very good. I resorted to bringing my own food from home, which I say is the BEST LUNCH I HAVE EATEN IN A LONG TIME especially at work. I brought leftover dinner to heat in the microwave. One day, my grandmother even made porridge. She put the rice and water and ingredients into a metal pot, heat it up then kept it in a thermos/shuttle chef and slowly it cooked with the heat and when I opened the thing, it was warm and ready to eat! Even the potatoes she put in were soft! yum. But ya, you can get tired of leftovers cos there might be so much that you eat it 3 times, dinner lunch dinner. yup.

3.) I want to change my job. Soon I would have completed working one month for my current employer, and I'm getting tired of admin work. It's a comfortable job, office aircon environment, safe (not daring/risky/misunderstood), easy tasks, not bad pay. But I am rotting, but yes, rotting less then when I was unemployed, bumming around the house. However, I am not stretching myself to my fullest ability, I'm not testing myself, I'm not working my brain hard enough. Err...let me give you an example: I'd rather teach secondary school upwards because I would be expanding my intellectual boundaries, err, participating in higher order intellectual pursuit, then teach the little children in kindergarten or p1 how to do basic things such as sitting in class and obeying the teacher. ya.

Anyone got a job opening?

I'll come back to fill in day 2 and 3. I'm quite behind on my blogging, but i shall not force myself to blog when I am not in the writer's mood.

i'm feeling...
The current mood of animalz at www.imood.com

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