{Friday, Jan. 09, 2009}
I was in Bishan today. SHOULD I GO HALL?

Today I was in Bishan. First I went to run an errand there, then went back home for lunch.

Later, I went to a condo somewhere in Bishan for swimming, and SOMEBODY was at home, so I had to wait there. Fortunately, she didn't take long to come. I was worried about breathing in the mosquito fog. I think it was the second time I went swimming with her, but she says it's the first. I don't remember the first time though, so I can't prove anything.

She brought Ruffy and we took some pictures with him.

The two of us were the only ones in the pool, so we "owned" the pool and the showers. There wasn't as much sunlight as I would like, a bit cloudy, so the water was quite cold. My fingers went numb. Swam for about 1-2 hours. Then went to shower up, and since I still had time, I went to her house to unjam her printer. Her mum was there and gave me some honey-coated rice crackers. Yummy. We also had 100plus to rehydrate ourselves.

On the way walking in, she suggested if I go disturb surprise a common person we know, her neighbourhood friend. I said no. For her can, for me, it may be a bit awkward cos I not close to that person. But, it would be amusing to disturb that person.

It's Friday already. Tomorrow is Fencing Novices. :S I must keep my distance and parry and repose properly, and lunge at the right distance! And 06S03 reunion!

But the more pressing question as well is, do I stay in hall? I have to make the decision by Monday! And if I go I gotta start packing!

i'm feeling...
The current mood of animalz at www.imood.com

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!